Precision agriculture

Precision agriculture

SMART farming: GLOBTRAK for precision agriculture

In the near future, agriculture will face major challenges. One of the key ones will be the long-term impact of climate change on soil, water levels, and crop abundance. Currently there is a race for effective solutions that will help farmers make a successful technological transition to address those challenges.

This is where smart technology comes in – perfectly connected, interoperable, using satellite communications, GPS systems, video telematics, and the power of the Internet. Automation combined with management of precisely collected data is the road that 21st century farming is already taking. Smart farming, autosteering of machines, RTK correction, field mapping – these are just a fraction of the vast possibilities that modern technology creates for Agriculture 4.0. Globtrak’s experts specialize in accurately predicting the possibilities of using telematics systems.

Our experience with clients from the agricultural industry reinforces our belief that agriculture will be the key beneficiary of telematic innovations.


Up to 30% fuel savings

Up to 20% reduction of machine operating costs

Up to 25% saving seeds, fertilizers and chemicals

Driver identification
Online vehicle tracking
Fuel cap opening monitoring
Fuel control
Panel G12 Panorama


Prowadzenie równoległe + opcja automatycznego sterowania sekcjami + opcja Autosteering + dzielony ekran ISObus

  • Nawigacja prowadzenia równoległego wspomagana satelitarnie
  • Dzielony ekran z możliwością wyświetlania wielu funkcji jednocześnie
  • Możliwość montażu pionowego lub poziomego
  • Baza danych osprzętu oraz pól
  • Automatyczna Kontrola Sekcji
  • Baza danych zadań z możliwością eksportu do Google Earth ™
  • Kompatybilny z automatycznym sterowaniem
  • Obsługa ISObus: Wirtualny Terminal i Task Controller
  • Zdalne wsparcie helpdesk
  • Możliwość podpięcia dwóch kamer


Dozbrojenie maszyny nie posiadającej złącza ISObus o możliwość uniwersalnego podpięcia tego rodzaju osprzętu oraz terminala ISObus wewnątrz kabiny

  • Możliwość podniesienia funkcjonalności używanego ciągnika i wprowadzenia ISObus do gospodarstwa bez konieczności wymiany ciągnika na nowy
  • Opcja montażu dwóch gniazd ISObus - z tyłu i z przodu maszyny
  • Okablowanie typu TPPL
  • Rozwiązanie zgodne z normą
  • ISO 11783-2:2019


Operational savings

Smart fuel management will reduce your household expenses by a minimum of. 15%. Less fuel consumption means less costs and a cleaner environment.

Automation of processes
Shorten and simplify time-consuming, repetitive processes. Vehicle control, irrigation, and crop protection dosing can be fully automatic.
Operational savings

Don't waste seeds and water, don't overuse crop protection products. With the module, you also save fuel and labor time while maintaining full machine performance.

Successful optimization of efficiency

Efficient, automated management of a fleet of agricultural machinery increases its productivity by 5-10%. Control the routes and technical condition of vehicles - optimize the work schedule based on regular reports.

100% control over completion of tasks

Keep a pulse on the current course of agricultural work. Track routes, monitor seeding and fertilizing steps, analyze the status of instrumentation wear.

Control of machine operators' working time

The driver identification module, combined with navigation and "live" route tracking, allows you to conveniently monitor the work of agricultural machinery operators remotely.


Technological innovations in agriculture focus not only on optimization. The key to successful farm management lies in eliminating any factors that may lead to losses:

  • automation of machine work – parallel guidance, navigation, RTK correction minimize the impact of human errors,

  • mapping of fields (crops, productivity, soil condition) provides a solid basis for precise sowing, irrigation, and fertilizer dosing,

  • automation of travel shortens the working time of machines, saves fuel and consumables,

  • work of a machine operator who has navigational support and can automate selected functions of their vehicle is less subject to the risk of errors.

Globtrak’s innovations effectively prove that smart, well-connected technologies are up to the task.

Case Study